There are several things you need to take into consideration when asking a girl out. This article will guide you through the planning. You are likely to come across some tough situations throughout your life-time. However, perhaps one of the...
Watch out for these tell-tale signs on your first date to save yourself from the hassle of getting rejected. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could predict within the few first dates if our blooming relationship is going to be for keeps? While the...
If you’ve ever thought that there could be more to sex, then you are probably right. An expansive orgasm is an experience that makes you feel like you are finally approaching your full potential for orgasmic bliss. They are within reach, but...
Penetration is often rife with forceful and passionate thrusting that seems to come from a very primal place. This penetrative thrusting can overcome you and seem to have its own sense of purpose and mission that you may or may not agree with. It...
Give your monotonous sex life a boost by slipping into another character. Itching to bring ‘sexy’ back into your sex life? While there are umpteen ways to do so, roleplay lets you act out your kinkiest fantasies, and thus, is a hot favorite...
Game is a collection of beliefs, behaviors, strategies, and tactics that make women more attracted to you while increasing your likelihood of experiencing intimacy. It’s often based on cold approaching, an active strategy where you walk up to a...
We all know that man who exudes charisma with the ladies, whether it’s a devotion-inducing hunk, George Clooney, or that charming colleague who has the whole team of ladies eating out of his palm at the office Christmas party. For the Ancient...
Better sex is an equation we all want to know the secret to. You’d think the x and y are almost impossible to decipher sometimes, but let me reassure you of one simple truth: they’re not. Read on to discover my secrets to really steamy...
A romp between the sheets with someone you’ve just met is fun, but what if you encounter awkward situations during the act? I tell you how to deal with them. You would assume that sex is always “perfect”, with no glitches. However, that’s far from...
Men shouldn’t be nervous about approaching women, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to make the ladies feel more comfortable approaching you. It’s called peacocking. Women have been peacocking since the dawn of civilization: We put on heels...