“I love the sexy slither of a lady snake. Oh baby.”
– Barry White, “The Simpsons”
The word Kundalini which means coiled in Sanskrit (the liturgical language of the Hindu religion) describes the ecstatic energy of spiritual and sexual enlightenment that moves through the body, activating the seven chakras. Often envisioned as a snake (Shakti, the goddess) coiled around the base of the spine (Shiva, the god), it represents the energy that rises up through each of the chakras, creating a channel from root to crown, a conduit for divine bliss.
You should sit comfortably for this meditation and keep your attention focused as you and your lover prepare to share this incredible energy. Sit facing your partner and if you are able, get into the Yab Yum position, sitting close enough that your legs can wrap around each other, your wife essentially in your lap with her legs on top. You can even enter her, with or without an erection, and allow the energy to grow between you as you meditate on the snake rising from your root chakras and up along the spine, out of the top of your head and intertwining in a serpent’s kiss.
Deep Roots
Your root chakra is a deep red, at the base of your spine and in the root of your genitals and anal passage. It acts as your connection to the earth and the exit point for celestial energy as it grounds through you. Here Shakti is a fat, sleepy snake the color of blood, coiled around the erect column of the spine (and it should be as erect as possible for this meditation). Feel her hot and swelling, stirring, slowly uncurling.
Sexy Sacrum
The sacral chakra is a vibrant orange, the sexual energy of the internal genitals and the fertile garden for all your desires. As the Kundalini snake rises to this second chakra, she grows thicker and fatter, glowing orange as her skin grows tight and like a newborn she emerges from her old self, crawling slowly every upwards to new beginnings.
Personal Power
Up to the third chakra the sexy snake slithers, radiant yellow like a glowing sun in your solar plexus, your center of gravity, the home of your personality and your living energy. Even thicker, she is like a whirling yellow sun with rays of tiny yellow snakes that permeate your entire being, filling you with warmth and power as she wraps even tighter around your spine.
Your breath fills with this hot fire as the snake crawls higher, past your lungs to wrap her length around your green heart, verdant like the grass of spring and filled with love and emotions. She massages this strong muscle rhythmically, with the pulse of your blood. Breathe in the unconditional love that radiates from her green body like the shoots of green ivy that sprout from her and wrap around your insides, filling you with life as they curl around your arms and legs, branching off and reaching down into the earth.
Hiss and Holler
In the fifth chakra, the center if peace and communication, the snake turns a calm sky blue and thickens to the size of a tree trunk, filling your throat and holding you upright as her roots send nourishment and life through her branches into you. She opens her jaws, unhinging them and letting out all the words and cries, screams and sobs, whimpers and whispers that you have been holding in.
Sixth Sense
She moves up into the sixth chakra, the violet house of the intuition. From this vantage point she looks around and her tongue whispers from out of your third eye, tasting the air, testing for warmth and the smell of predator or prey. Here, Shakti is vibrant and impatient, buzzing with the energy of your wife open eyes.
Cracking Crown
Finally, eager to burst forth from this new life into eternity, the snake cracks open the top of your skull and shoots into the starry sky above, all that brilliant light shining down through her wide open mouth as she reaches to swallow them whole. Their intensity fills her, channeling through her length as it holds you prone, like a pearl dangling on a string in the heavens, tethered to the earth far below. Allow the light to fill you full of the universal love, the force of attraction that keeps the planets every whirling about the sun, that keeps our feet ever tied to the ground. Breathe into this fullness and when you are completely sated, full of bliss, the snake recedes, shrinking back into herself, shedding her skin again as she retreats around your spine and curls up to sleep once more.