Sex and Creative Energy: Tantra for Scientists, Craftsmen, and Artists



Sex and Creative Energy: Tantra for Scientists, Craftsmen, and Artists

Tantra was once widely accepted as a science among healers and religious leaders in ancient times. The meaning of the word is complex and layered, having to do with “the science of cosmic principles” and often likened to the thread which is the weft in the weaving of life, the way to understanding and enlightenment.

Enlightenment sounds like a fancy word for “too much time on your hands” to those of us who work all day and struggle just to connect with each other on any meaningful level… but the power of enlightening experiences is that they teach us something new, allow us to see something that was once in the dark, walk a new path, embark on a new journey, and see new doors opening to us.

Anytime that you begin to feel horny, restless, jittery, on edge, or frustrated about your sex life… you have a choice to make:

  • you can have sex
  • you can be created
  • you can do both!

Which do you choose?

Often, we decide that what we want is just the sex, but when it isn’t readily forthcoming and we aren’t sure how to engage our partner, we end up expending our energy being angry, fighting, getting frustrated, masturbating, working out, or engaging in self-destructive behaviors. Did you realize that simply by choosing one of the other two options, you can exponentially increase your chances of bringing on the Big O at the end of it all?

Whatever it is you choose to do with your creative energy, there is bound to be some way to make it sensual, to link it into your relationship and improve your intimacy!


Think about what “traditionally” constitutes science, according to modern academics – chemistry, biology, physics. All three are deeply embedded in your day-to-day life! Chemistry can teach you about aphrodisia and the hormonal dance of foreplay. Biology takes you deeper into the body’s reproductive systems, the processes of sexual desire, and the ways you can tweak your lifestyle for great sex! The physics of sex puts you in the right position, and gives you the thrust and the leverage you need.


Can’t think of any kinky crafts? Oh the things you could do! Aside from the obvious – making your own sex toys, erotic accessories, massage oil, scented candles, delicious dinners and desserts – craft can be anything that you can put some elbow grease, blood and sweat into that pumps up your metabolism, your testosterone, and maybe even gets you and your lover closer together.

If your wife has a to-do list for you as long as your arm, think of these things as craft! Not only will fixing the toilet and cleaning of the gutters get your blood pumping, but you can bet it’ll get her going as well! Plumbing, carpentry, even being great at getting a few odd jobs done around the house can make you feel like a master craftsman!


Maybe you already think of yourself as an artist (aren’t you lucky!) but if you are like most of the rest of us, you usually leave art for museum walls. Ah but art can be so much more! Art is inspired and inspiring, it speaks some truth about your life and shares it with another. The kind of art that’s good for your sex life is about sharing something erotic with your lover! What kind of art forms inspire you?

If your standard paints, pens, pencils, pastels or other mediums don’t spark your interest, try writing your lover a romantic poem or playing with some sexy body paints. Get creative and go for it! Use that creative force to make something beautiful and then go and make some love!

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