Every sex advice column talks about foreplay, foreplay, foreplay and how important it is to the woman’s sexual experience, but few get into the nitty gritty details of how to do it just right, how long to spend doing one thing, and what to do next...
Long term relationship sex or married sex don’t have the best reputation for being the hot, amazing sex you fantasize about at night. We have been conditioned to believe that couples sex is boring and rigid unless the couple has only been together...
Erotic massage may seem like a simple process – a little rub here, a bit of a squeeze there – and it certainly is a wonderful way to lead in to a romantic evening or some passionate lovemaking, but don’t be fooled: massage is a vast field of...
I believe that cunnilingus is the most intimate act a man can perform on a woman. When my husband gives me this gift, I can feel his love for me radiate throughout my entire body. He loves performing it, too, and it seems like he always comes up...
“At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.” – PlatoThere is nothing more worrisome in a marriage than the realization after the new-relationship-energy begins to fade that you and your partner do not share the the same libido love style...