An erotic massage can be a perfect way to segway into an amazing night of sex with your partner. You might find that your partner doesn’t seem to be interested in sex these days, but most people are always up for a massage. Even though this will be...
Erotic massage is such an amazing way to be intimate with your partner. It’s not sex, but it can lead to amazingly hot sex. It’s not sex, but it can foster a bond and help you connect with your partner. It’s a great form of foreplay that is...
Those who know a lot about the human body and how it works know that there are many surprising little hot spots that can trigger sexual feelings in the body. Some of them can be found in the most surprising places. I’m not talking about the obvious...
There is something so thrilling about being a little naughty in bed. We all like different things. Some of us might like to get really down and dirty in the bedroom. Others like more “vanilla” sex, perhaps believing that sex is just wonderful in its...
Touching your partner is about so much more than just sex. Massage feels amazing and it can put a stressed out and tuned out partner in the mood for something more. One of the best massages to master is the tantric massage. To prepare you should...
What is Sensation Play? Sensation play is group of erotic activities that arouse the senses, or heightens one particular sense, while dulling others. Sensation play usually involves the sense of touch, one of the most obvious senses that enhances...
Honey, if you haven’t already checked out the first part of this article then I suggest you click over to it immediately! Lots of guys think they can skip certain steps and take the easy way when it comes to pleasing a woman, but if you want to do...
Any man who has studied up on pleasing a woman knows that everything leading up to sex is just as important… scratch that… MORE important than the main event. What you do and how she gets turned on will directly affect how much she enjoys sex and...
“If you like having sex while listening to music – always choose a live album. That way you’ll get an applause every 3 to 4 minutes.” Too wiped to do it after a long day of doing, well, everything else? Here are seven easy ways to get in the mood...
“Having a dirty mind makes ordinary conversations much more interesting.” Forget Snapchat, this is real life. I’ve prepared for you a four point plan for getting her hot via your smartphone. The idea came to me one afternoon, while I was having...