Pick up any steamy novel and you’ll find the same time-honored scenario: He drops his pants, and she drops her jaw. He’s long, hard, impressive… heck, he’s huge. And while many real-life women also admit to loving the sensation of a large, full...
“I want the kind of sex that starts off in the car, goes to the kitchen and ends up in the bedroom.” Recent surveys have found that more than 65% of couples worldwide have gotten it on in a car. Which is impressive, given the limited room to move...
“Forget about Prince Charming. Go for the wolf. He can see you better, hear you better, and eat you better.” Give me a sexual boundary and I will gladly push it. And sometimes pushing is necessary because even a fantastic lust life can get a little...
I’m going to be honest with you. A lot of the sex moves and positions out there don’t always have the woman’s pleasure in mind. Sometimes a position or technique can be too complicated, or it might be something that is more pleasurable for the man...
Some of us have one or two go-to, favorite positions in our sexual arsenal that seem to please every time. For me, and a lot of men and women I know, the reverse cowgirl position is one of those top positions. Why do we love it? There are a lot of...
Do you always go with the same tried and true sex positions no matter what? If the answer is yes, it’s time to change things up! Sex positions are like music. You need to choose a position that fits the mood and you’re not always going to be in the...
The missionary position is the old standard when it comes to sex positions. It’s sometimes associated with inexperienced young couples or boring older couples who have sex once a year. But is the missionary position really just a boring, old...
Sometimes the key to a really killer sex position is not just how you place your body, but how you actually move it when you’re in position. Good sex can be like dancing. You need to have the right moves on the dance floor. It’s not just about...
There is something so incredibly hot about being tossed up against the wall and ravished by your partner. Take it from me, a well timed gesture like this can really turn a woman on, in no time, flat. However, as with all things sexual, sometimes the...
Let’s face it, one of the facts of life of being an adult is that slowly but surely your body will start changing, and I’m not talking about getting better. Your back will hurt some days, you’ll have new aches and pains, and you just won’t feel like...