“He’d noticed that sex bore some resemblance to cookery: it fascinated people, they sometimes bought books full of complicated recipes and interesting pictures, and sometimes when they were really hungry they created vast banquets in their imagination – but at the end of the day they’d settle quite happily for egg and chips. If it was well done and maybe had a slice of tomato.”- Terry Pratchett
Sex life stuck in a rut? Can’t get it together to get it on? The same good old positions you’ve been at it don’t seem to work their magic anymore? Maybe all you need to do is spice up your boudoir repertoire.
Try my two weeks recipe for spiking sexual appetite, and your relationship- and sex life- will get that boost you’re after.
Day1. The sensory overload
If you’re partner is wearing a T-shirt or a blouse, only partially remove it, so the fabric covers her eyes but not her lips. You should then take off your own T-shirt and run your naked chest and face across her mouth, chest and belly, before heading further down. It will drive her insane!
Day2. Gender similarities
Men have a perineum (the skin between the scrotum and anus), but did you know chicks have one as well? It’s called the Perineal Sponge. Tickle it when you’re giving her oral sex.
Day3. Sweat it out
Love it when she’s all sweaty? Then just get her to skip her post-workout shower. Pheromones and natural body odors are what instinctively turn you on, so make the most of this sultry situation.
Day4. The power grab
Tie your partner up and slowly work your way down her body with gentle kisses and licks. When she’s begging for more, climb on top of her but only let an inch or two of your penis inside her at first, making her crazy with anticipation. When you’ll finally ride her, she’ll be just about ready to blow her stop.
Day5. The oral O
When you are going down on her, put your hand on her lower belly and pull up slightly. This pulls back the clitoral hood just enough to give you access but not so much it feels overwhelming. It will send her over the top.
Day6. String of pearls
Rub a string of pearls (not real ones, which will be damaged by sweat) between your lubed-up palms, then drape them across your partner’s inner thighs, stomach and package, and roll them over her skin. The smooth pearls on her just-as-smooth skin will treat her to feel-good friction. The more you roll and rub the pearls against her body, the warmer they’ll feel.
Day7. Good vibes
While you’re going down on her, as her excitement levels rise, hold a small vibrator against her labia or on her perineum. Start on a low setting and increase the intensity of the vibration as her arousal grows. The combination of your soft, wet mouth, and the pulsing of the vibrator in unfamiliar territory, will make her quiver. The two vastly different sensations keep her in a holding pattern, prolonging her pleasure.
Day8. Grab some paper and a pen and draw an outline of her body onto it. Then have her mark an X on all the places she likes to be kissed and touched. Voila- a sexy treasure map.
Day9. Scissor me timbers
While she’s lying on her back at the edge of the bed, raise her legs to a 90-degree angle. Stand and grip her ankles. As you enter her, hold her legs apart, then open and close them like scissors as you thrust. If you can master this move, you’ll be rewarded with more pleasure than the typical legs-up missionary. One minute, your penis feels snug inside her; the next, her vaginal canal is wider and you can go deeper. And the constantly alternating sensations mean that just as you’re reaching the point of no return, you’re just as soon taken back to being on the brink. That teasing will result in a seriously intense orgasm when you finally reach your peak.
Day10. Get freaked out.
Studies show that scary movies pump up your adrenalin, putting you in the mood for loving, so rent your favorite horror flick and get screaming- both kinds!
Day11. Draw her closer
As you sense your partner nearing climax during missionary sex, press your fingers into her bum cheeks, or wrap her legs around you and pull closer into her. The deeper a guy is inside a woman when she’s about to reach her peak, the wilder she gets. Drawing your partner closer to you also shows that you’re really hot for her. And it proves that you’re actively in tune with satisfying your own pleasure, as well as hers. That want-every-inch-of-you feeling suggests animalistic lust, which makes both men and women crazy with desire.
Day12. Stairway to heaven
Have her lie upside down on some stairs (or on the edge of the bed, according to the way your house is designed) and go down on her. The blood will rush straight to her head, making her feel positively giddy.
Day13. A pane-full encounter
Have her lean her body against a window or a mirror while you’re penetrating her from behind. The cool sensation will contrast with your warm body giving her an oh-inducing effect.
Day14. Swiveling sex
Home office? Turn the swivel chair into an erotic ride by shagging on it. Spinning will trigger the balance mechanism in your ears, making both of you feel a little light-headed, which will only add up to the pleasure you’re feeling as a consequence of your entwined, hot bodies.
Have a red-hot week,
Gabrielle Moore
P.S. Sneezing while she orgasms forces your partner to clench her PC muscles for an extra-intense stimulation. Try giving her a whiff of pepper just as she’s about to explode. To discover more advanced tips and techniques about sex tips for couples CLICK HERE NOW!