The sex detective is in!



The sex detective is in!

“As selfishness and complaint pervert and cloud the mind, so sex with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.” – Helen Keller

A woman can glean a ton about a guy’s libido and reproductive health just by eyeballing him. You may talk big game and wear jeans that are tighter than Adam Levine’s, but that doesn’t mean you have what it takes to keep up with her in the sack… or get her knocked up when you’re ready. The real signs of a highly sexual male are a lot more subtle and surprising. The following six traits and behaviors indicate to a woman that you are truly made for action.

You’re trim around the middle

You’ve no doubt heard that a dude with a gut is more likely to keel over from a heart attack later in life, but it’s also a bad sign in the sexual realm. Testosterone is broken down more quickly in belly fat. So that big stomach? It’s literally sucking you dry of the stuff. Testosterone is the gas that drives the car. If it’s low, you’re going to be low on gas. You’ll be tired, you’ll not going to be able to exercise very much, you’re less likely to be in the mood, and your fertility will be lower because a guy needs a certain level of testosterone to produce sperm. Waist size is especially a concern if you are over 30, when metabolism slows and testosterone levels decrease by about 1 percent each year.

You’ve got guns

Someone who regularly works out and lifts weights is likely to have a higher libido. That’s because the body needs testosterone to build muscle mass, so if you have Mario Lopez-like biceps, you usually have more of the hormone. You can’t say the same for men who are ‘skinny fat’ – you know, the tall, thin guy who has a body like a noodle. If you’re too scrawny, you’re not going to have a lot of testosterone or a strong sex drive. Unfortunately, working out can only boost your testosterone levels to a point, and some men will never build big muscles because they don’t have big enough levels.

You party smart

Smoking and heavy drinking have the same effect on a guy’s mojo as a Rosie O’Donnell striptease. Smoking constricts blood vessels, which means there’s less blood flowing to your penis. This may cause you to have problems getting – and maintaining – an erection. Downing more than three drinks can also leave you limp because alcohol is a central-nervous-system depressant, which once again limits blood flow to your penis. So a guy who knocks back lots of cocktails? He’s probably not going to be the life of the party in bed.

Your testicles are in top shape

You can learn even more about your long-term sexual potential once your pants are off. First, check out your testicles: each should be the size of a walnut, and they should be nearly equal, though small differences are normal. If one is considerably smaller – say, the size of a cherry – then that’s a fertility red flag. Around 95 percent of a testicle is made up of sperm-producing cells, and 5 percent is made up of testosterone-producing cells. A smaller testicle makes for a smaller sperm factory.

While you’re feeling around down there, note how heated your boys get. If your testicles run hot, it could be due to a group of pronounced veins in the scrotum, called a varicocele. These veins are filled with warm blood, and the extra heat reduces sperm count. A varicocele can be flat or raised and can look similar to a group of varicose veins in the legs. To find out for sure if you have one, cup your balls and firmly – but gently – run your thumb along the scrotal skin, being careful to check for raised portions or lumps (which may feel like coiled string).

You have stellar semen

You can glean a lot from the volume and clarity of your semen. A guy’s ejaculate should be about half a teaspoon. If you’re producing less, it could mean you’ve been ejaculating a lot from sex or masturbation or that you have an infection or blockage of the ejaculatory ducts. Semen is mostly fluid, but about 1 percent of it is sperm, which is what gives it a cloudy appearance. If you notice your ejaculate has a watery consistency instead of a creamy one, you likely have a low sperm count and you may have difficulty fathering kids.

You take just long enough

You don’t need a PhD to know that a guy who comes too fast can put a damper on a sex life (anything less than 2 minutes is considered premature ejaculation). But a man who takes forever to peak despite being hard also may be cause for concern. For one, he may be giving himself a hand too often. Some men masturbate so much that they know their trigger points and it becomes more difficult for them to come inside a woman. It could also indicate that he’s on an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication, which can cause prolonged ejaculation.

Have a cool week,

Gabrielle Moore

P.S. The taste of your semen is also very important. Ask your partner about it. If it’s more on the sweet side rather than salty, you’re on the right track! Check out my latest program, Vagina Masterclass, where you will discover the perfect tools for liberating the female orgasm.

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