Titillating Timing for Turning Her On



Titillating Timing for Turning Her On

One of the most important aspects of maintaining a regular, healthy sex life is timing – something that is based not just on your ability to gauge your environment and your wife’s responsiveness to your flirtatious advances, but on her monthly cycle and other cycles of time that govern your every day. What do the days of the week have to do with love and sex? Our day to day experiences have lasting effects on our circadian rhythms, which inform how we feel and interact on a regular basis.


Sunday: Take your time waking up on Sunday mornings and enjoy some extra time snuggling in bed together. You will likely spend most of the day planning and prepping for another busy week, getting important things done around the house, so savor the time you have together in bed. Make plans for “date nights” and other intimate time to spend together during the rest of the week, after consulting your calender so you know what your schedule will be for the coming days.

Monday: Expect today to be exhausting, and if you have a few extra minutes to spend with your lover, it will be a wonderful surprise. Take the opportunity to send her a sexy email or leave a short phone message, just letting her know that you’re thinking of her, perhaps reminding her of something sex that happened over the weekend and how enjoyable it was for you, and building some anticipation for something romantic or sexy planned for later in the week.

Tuesday: The next few days are going to be focused on the all important business of keeping life running smoothly. If you really want to do something to turn your wife on today, help her out around the house somehow. Do something to make her life easier today and it will pay off tomorrow, I promise.

Wednesday: It’s humpday! Even if all you have time for today is a quickie, go for it. Hop in the shower together first thing in the morning, come home for a nooner on your lunch hour, to slip is a few sexy moments before the kids get home from soccer practice. It doesn’t have to be mind-blowing sex… you don’t even have to have sex, if you spend some time getting each other worked up. Make out like teenagers, enjoy some oral or manual stimulation, or get quick and dirty up against a wall!

Thursday: Today we start to make plans for the coming weekend, sum up our projects at home and at work, and try to get all the difficult stuff out of the way so you don’t have to worry too much about them on Friday. This is another great day to spend some time simply helping out around the house. Clean up the bedroom so you can enjoy some sexy, relaxing alone time in a clean and sensual space. Wash the sheets, freshen up the place with flowers and candles, you know the drill.

Friday: You may both be running an autopilot today, just waiting for the work week to end. If you are going to be spending your time daydreaming anyway, why not spend it daydreaming of each other? Start the day off right with a sweet little note, and heat things up throughout the day with increasingly more intimate and suggestive text messages or emails. If you have the chance, get online with each other mid-day so you can talk about your plans for the evening, even if those plans are simply to sit down after a good meal and watch a movie together. You may just want to relax with a massage and a bubble bath by the time the day is over, but at least you’ll be able to relax together talking about all your sexy plans for tomorrow! Get ready to really enjoy yourself!

Saturday: Today is your chance to release all of the pent up energy throughout the week. Depending on your wife’s cycle throughout the month, the way your Big Sexy Plans play out will vary, not to mention your own personal preferences and predilections.


Early on in her cycle, romantic time together is important to help initiate/support your emotional bond. Whether she is currently menstruating or a few days past, she is likely to appreciate kissing and cuddling more than anything too kinky… but of course take her word for it, not mine! Talk to your lover about how she’s feeling!

As she nears ovulation, she is likely to be more frisky, more sexually assertive, and more interested in certain kinky kinds of play. Play it by ear and let her call the shots. Everyone knows people get a little crazy around the full moon! After ovulation, as she nears menstruation again, she may feel some anxieties or a decrease in assertive attitudes. If she wants you in control, show her you can be strong, supportive and sexy to finish off a great month of love and romance!


Gabrielle Moore

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