??If you don’t know by now that the key to a woman’s orgasmic heart is in getting up close and personal with your oral assets, then you should probably go back and start reading at the beginning!
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about going down on your lover? For most men, the answer is going to be all about the sensual experience – the smell and the taste. So many of the euphemisms we have for cunnilingus come from the incredible bouquet of aromas that a woman’s nether regions can create.
Like any of the flavors and odors that the human body produces, vaginal fluid is an exquisite example of internal body chemistry – the healthier your body, the better you will smell and taste. The same is true for women, so there are some things you can do to change your lifestyle and encourage more enjoyable oral for everyone!
The most important indicator of overall health that can be readily senses is pH level – acidity or alkalinity. The balance of pH differs in specific areas of the body – for example, while the skin tends to hover around a pH of 6 or 7, the pH of a healthy vagina hovers between 3.8 and 4.5, close to the pH of black coffee, which comes in at 5, but even closer to another sensual treat, red wine.
When the pH balance of a person’s body changes, it can quickly be perceived by a shift in odor and flavor of bodily secretions and fluids like sweat, vaginal lubrication, and both male and female ejaculate. Overzealous cleansing like douching or using harsh soap can upset pH balance, and the even more likely offender is you semen, which is known to change the balance of pH in the vagina on contact.
What the pH?
So how can you go about changing the pH in your body? Ultimately it all comes down to your daily diet. If you eat a lot of grains, vegetable oils, and processed foods, and not nearly enough fruits and vegetables, it is likely that your body is having a difficult time keeping up with all the backload of toxins and sugars in your bloodstream. Eat a clean, organic diet full of colorful fruits and vegetables. Tropical fruits and well known for their ability to sweeten the body, especially the sexual fluids – who doesn’t want to taste a little bit like pineapple?
Keep in mind that when it comes to oral sex, the state of your mouth is as important as the place you’re putting it! The average human mouth contains way more foul bacteria than the average human genitals, so be sure to keep yourself clean. Brush and floss regularly, but not right before going down. Small cuts or abrasions on the gum line can increase the chances of infections and other unpleasantness. Do use mouthwash and water to rinse.
Keep in mind that anything that goes in your mouth will affect your taste and smell, including any food and drink, over the counter and prescription medication, gum and breath mints, cigarettes and alcohol. This is especially true if you have facial hair – be conscious of how your food, drink, smoke, etc. makes your beard smell. You may not notice it, but if you find your partner shying away from your kisses or making faces when you’re not paying enough attention, it may be time to invest in a yummy scented beard soap!
On the Menu
If there is something irking you about your lover’s taste, bringing it up can be a problem. If getting healthy will solve the problem, just go ahead and do it for the sake of getting healthy, and enjoy delicious oral as a side benefit. If you think there may be something else causing the problem – a yeast infection or other imbalance, meditation or other habits, be gentle when you bring it up. Talk about the problem and present her taste as one of many things that can motivate her to give up a bad habit. Use facts, not feelings in this case. Encourage her to make changes for her health, and be sure to ask for feedback yourself. She will feel much more comfortable hearing that there are changes you can both make in order to enjoy sex more if she knows that you care about how you taste as much as you care about how she does.
Whatever you do, don’t take oral off the menu. Ultimatums are not helpful. Your partner will want to hear that you are willing to work with her and help experiment, give her feedback, and enjoy yourselves along the way to making sex a tastier treat.
Hot kisses,
Gabrielle Moore
P.S.: My darling, oral can become your biggest asset if you learn how to master the right techniques. To become the absolute King, check-out my program on the matter – Oral Rapture!