Don’t Pop Your Cork: 6 Things You Need to Know to Stop Letting Premature Ejaculation Wreck Your Sex Life



Don’t Pop Your Cork: 6 Things You Need to Know to Stop Letting Premature Ejaculation Wreck Your Sex Life

Premature ejaculation can be an embarrassing, frustrating part of sex for any man. Women usually are not too thrilled about it either for that matter. But premature ejaculation does not need to ruin your sex life. If this is a concern for you then read on and learn what you should do to start regaining control over your sexual function.

Is This Premature Ejaculation? Is This?

Premature ejaculation can be hard to define and each man may define it differently. Some define it using the number of thrusts during sex before climax. Obviously men who use this definition usually ejaculate with just a few thrusts.  Some simply define it as coming before you want to.

Many men ask how they can last longer. It is important to point out that there is a difference between premature ejaculation and simply wanting to keep an erection for a longer period of time. There have been men who have told me they only last an hour and think there is something wrong with them-that they should be lasting longer. That is not premature ejaculation.

One of the most important factors in premature ejaculation is the inability to control ejaculation.  You feel it coming and nothing you do will stop it. Sometimes this happens with only a little stimulation.

Does it Happen to Everyone?

Yes. The truth is, it happens to everyone at some point. Sometimes it is just fatigue or an off day. But if it occurs on a regular basis and you or your partner find it is contributing to making your sex life less than satisfactory it may be time to look for ways to learn ejaculatory control.

What is the Good News?

If you are experiencing premature ejaculation you may not think there is any good news. But there is! The good news is premature ejaculation is actually the easiest sexual dysfunction to treat and overcome. That means there is hope for any man who wants to work on increasing his ejaculatory control.

Getting Started

The first thing you want to do is visit your doctor for a check-up. Sometimes premature ejaculation can be caused by nerve damage or can be a side effect of medication. Before tackling any sexual issue, you always want to start with a clean bill of health. If it is a medical problem then many times when it is resolved, the sexual dysfunction resolves on its own.

Kegel’s Are Not Just for Women

Do your kegel exercises! This will not only help you build up those muscles, it will help you learn ejaculatory control and increase the intensity of your orgasm! To do kegel exercises simply squeeze your pelvic muscles for a count of ten 5 times in a row several times a day. You can do this anytime and no one will even know. Try it sitting at your desk at work or while watching TV. It is easy and has great benefits. Next time you are urinating, clench or tighten the muscles and stop your flow of urine. Stop the flow of urine for as long as you can and then release it. Do this each time you urinate and gradually increase the amount of time you stop the flow of urine. This helps build up your pelvic floor muscles as well.

What is Learned Can be Unlearned

Except in the cases where there is a medical issue, premature ejaculation is a learned behavior. Men teach themselves to ejaculate quickly by the way they masturbate. Yes, it is true! Most men when they jerk off go right for the gold and want a quick release. While this may be sexually satisfying at the time, in the long run all that is happening is that the muscles that control ejaculation learn to respond to stimulation very quickly. The muscles that control ejaculation are just like any other muscles in the body and must be kept in shape for optimal use. When they learn to react quickly to stimulation they are not functioning at their best level. Thus begins a never ending cycle of masturbating and rapid ejaculation.

That is the bad news. The good news is this learned behavior can be unlearned. Through a series of exercises good ejaculatory control can be learned. It doesn’t happen overnight and it takes patience and persistence by the man. But if he works at it, he can achieve strong ejaculatory control and get back to a long lasting and happy sex life.


Gabrielle Moore

P.S. To find out more about simple secrets that instantly make you last longer in bed, you can check out my program Last Longer Tonight. Whether you last 30 seconds, 2 minutes, or 20, this program will show you practical techniques on how to have more control over when you come.


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